Surviving Saturn Return

Join me in all my adventures as I approach the big 3-0. The planet Saturn takes 29.5 years to orbit the Sun; when it returns to the exact degree along the ecliptic it occupied at the time of a person's birth this is referred to as Saturn Return. Saturn is associated with fear, confusion, difficulty, accomplishment, reflection, and maturity. Astrologers believe that the 30th birthday is a major rite of passage and marks the "true beginning" of adulthood.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy New Year -Cold F**king office

Everyone in my office likes to think I am crazy because I am always so cold. I happen to sit in a cube that gets the cross breeze from two air conditioners-- which, by the way, should not be on when it is below 70 degrees outside but I digress-- and this morning I walked in to find a present from some mystery coworker who has a Dilbert 2007 desk calendar. January 2 was amusingly appropriate for me. I now have it pinned upon the cube "wall."


  • At 10 January, 2007 09:05, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My office had a similar problem! I came in one day to freezing cold air coming from the vent above my head, accompanied by a constant rattling of the air-blowing mechanism. I threw a fit, and the repairman closed the air duct above my office. However -- he had to open an air duct somewhere else -- so he moved the opening to the office next door -- where my boss sits! Once my boss put it together that the cold air & rattling in his office was my fault, he was super irritated with me!

  • At 11 January, 2007 07:28, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    yep, me too, it was so bad I had to move offices. And I never could figure out why they were airconditioning the place when it was 50 degrees outside!


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